vendredi 11 mai 2012



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The Meatrix is committed to helping educate people around the world about sustainable food. We encourage you to take action locally – check out the organizations listed below to find ways to get involved. Please help us keep this page current by sending information about additional organizations to Also in French.

Alliance Paysans Ecologistes Consommateurs (PEC)

The “Alliance of Farmers, Ecologists and Consumers” includes national farmers, consumers and environmental organizations, as well as regional alliances, and is part of the European Network for Sustainable Agriculture and Food (REPAS). The PEC Alliance promotes an environmental-friendly agriculture based on quality food production and on the respect of nature and man. The website of the PEC Alliance hosts a guide to all AMAPs in France (see next entry).

AMAP (Association pour le Maintien d’une Agriculture Paysanne)

The “Association for the Maintenance of Family Farming” (AMAPs) are “proximity partnerships” between a group of consumers and a farm, usually located in suburban areas. AMAPs are comparable to the system used in the U.S. called “Community Supported Agriculture” (CSA). It is a form of direct marketing that works by means of the consumer group subscribing to the farm’s products in advance. AMAPs can be developed for any kind of production, particularly for fruits and vegetables.

Confédération Paysanne (CP)

The “French Farmers Confederation” or CP is a farmers union founded in 1987 that later became an essential component of the French unions landscape. Since its foundation, the CP has questioned the high-productivity model of agricultural development which flourished during the past 40 years and led to a number of problems: decrease of agricultural prices, overproduction, environmental crises, disparities among farming regions in France, Europe and the world, as well as the continuing downfall of the number of farmers. The CP proposes an alternative model of agricultural development, based on “peasant agriculture” (or family farming). The CP is member of the European Farmers Coordination and of Via Campesina, the global farmers movement.

MODEF (Mouvement de Défense des Exploitants Familiaux)

“Movement for the Defense of Family Farmers” (MODEF) is a family farmers union that defends food sovereignty and the maintenance of a vibrant agriculture on the entire French territory. MODEF is a member of the European Farmers Coordination and of Via Campesina, the global farmers movement.

Réseau Agriculture Durable

The “Sustainable Agriculture Network” founded in 1994 in response to the need to coordinate projects of local groups, promotes a kind of agriculture based on economical and autonomous systems – it spreads know-how and offers continuing training. In the course of the years, the network was able to gather experience and to have its practices recognized by a number of farmers and professional agricultural institutions.

Nature & Progrès

“Nature and Progress” is an international federation of organic producers and consumers that in the 1970s formulated the first system specification for organic agriculture in the world. As grassroots association of pragmatic ecology, it proposes concrete alternatives to the current ecological, health and human crisis caused by industrial agriculture. It proposes projects based on relations of conviviality and closeness among people and their environment. Nature & Progrès defends its values throughout France thanks to the work of its local groups that organize organic fairs and events. The association also issues a magazine called “Nature & Progrès”.


Biocoop was the first network of organic outlets to be created in France. The Biocoop outlets were born thanks to the commitment of consumers who, starting in the 1970s, got organized to supply themselves with organic products. Later, in the 1980s, these purchase groups developed into commercial cooperatives that sprouted all over the country. The founding principles of the network are spirit of cooperation, development of a sustainable, organic agriculture, transparency and fairness in commercial relations, quality of products and participation of “consumers-actors”.

Cohérence pour un Développement Durable et Solidaire

The “Coherence for a Sustainable Development based on Solidarity” network was born out of the following appraisal: the need to strengthen coordination among the different players of the region’s economic, social and cultural life. This appraisal has become certitude. Anchored in a given territory, the members of this network have committed themselves to promote and put in place fairer modes of production, of exchange and of consumption that respect man, the land and the natural resources.

Mouvement pour la Défense et le Respect des Générations Futures

The “Movement for the Protection and Respect of Future Generations” (MDRGF) is an association that for many years has been working to denounce pollution of water, soils and food caused by pesticides. It informs citizens about health hazards related to pollution and proposes agronomic alternatives that allow to produce healthy food free of chemicals. The association works at the national and international level. In France, it is the official representative of PAN Europe (Pesticide Action Network Europe).

Agir pour l’Environnement (APE)

The “Ecological Action” association was founded in 1996 with the aim of putting an efficient action tool at the service of citizens who want to get involved in ecological issues. The idea is to offer concrete support to – and sometimes anticipate – citizens’ concerns vis-à-vis the environment. For the numerous campaigns that were led so far, the association was able to forge partnerships with other environmental and non-environmental organizations.

France Nature Environnement

FNE aims at reconciling man and nature. On agricultural issues, FNE is committed to obtaining a reduction in the use of pesticides in France.

Action Citoyenne pour les Alternatives aux Pesticides

“Citizens’ Action for Alternatives to Pesticides” (ACAP) is a coalition of associations, comprising of 125 member organizations that collectively represent 300 groups spread all over France that inform the public about the hazards related to pesticides use and propose alternatives.


This association for the protection of old seed varieties proposes people to adopt a plant threatened by extinction among 550 varieties of tomatoes, 150 varieties of pumpkins, 130 varieties of lettuces.

Semences paysannes

“Peasant Seeds” network has multiple goals. It mainly aims at bringing together the various initiatives that promote biodiversity on farms and in gardens, each one keeping its originality and specificity. It facilitates formation, exchange and re-appropriation of traditional know-how, and works to achieve the validation and recognition (at the technical, scientific and legal level) of traditional practices of seed and plant production. In partnership with researchers, the network promotes the emergence of new schemes of selection, variety creation and seed distribution suitable for organic, biodynamic and peasant agriculture. The network further seeks to consolidate the conservation and management of agricultural biodiversity on farms and in gardens. It also raises public awareness on the high stakes involved in seeds production and trade.


The “GMO Info” association is the citizens’ GMOs watchdog informing the public on the hazards related to the spread of GMOs.

OGM Dangers

The “GMO Dangers” association’s mission is to fight against GMOs by outlining the multifaceted aspects of GMOs that are seldom debated: their economic, political, philosophical, alimentary, environmental, agricultural and legal dimension. The aim is to solve the problem at its root.

Accueil Paysan

The “Farmers Welcome” network that encompasses the entire French territory offers vacation on farms. The website lists hundreds of addresses in France and abroad.

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